List lagu Melanie Martinez

 Hasil gambar untuk melanie martinez
Halo! ada yang tahu siapa melanie martinez?
Atau justru kalian fansnya?
Omoo kalo gitu kita sama dong:D

Aku pertama kali tau melanie tuh dari komen seseorang di music video miley. Waktu itu Miley pake baju kaya anak bayi gitu unyu deh. Trus banyak yang nyamain dia kaya Melanie. Waktu itu reaksi Flo tuh kaya:

"WHAT?! Melanie? siapa tuh? Apakah dia masih satu keluarga dengan Melani Ricardo?"

Ya karena udah kepo max. Langsung aja deh ngetik nama Melani Martinez di Youtube, dan ya ampun apa ini? kyut bangetttt. Seketika langsung teringat dengan girlband jepang yang gothic loli itu.

Gambar terkait
Iya Baby Metal yang kyut kyut itu. Flo juga ga ngerti sih dalam hal gitu gituan. Tapi ya kesan pertama FLo itu saat ngeliat Melanie ya ini. Inget girlband gothic jepang. Dan mulai dari situ Flo mulai suka dengan Melanie karna lagunya itu beda banget sama artis barat kebanyakan. Bisa dibilang anti menstrim gitu lah! Apalagi lagunya semua meaningful bangettt. Yaudah langsung aja Flo kasih list lagu Melanie. Selamat mendengarkan^^

1. Doll house
Hasil gambar untuk melanie martinez doll house

Hey girl, open the walls, play with your dolls
We'll be a perfect family
When you walk away, it's when we really play
You don't hear me when I say,
Mom, please wake up
Dad's with a slut, and your son is smoking cannabis
No one never listens, this wallpaper glistens
Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen
Places, places, get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
I see things that nobody else sees
I see things that nobody else sees)
Hey girl, look at my mom, she's got it going on
Ha, you're blinded by her jewelry
When you turn your back she pulls out a flask
And forgets his infidelity
Uh-oh, she's coming to the attic, plastic
Go back to being plastic
No one never listens, this wallpaper glistens
One day they'll see what goes down in the kitchen
Places, places, get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
I see things that nobody else sees
I see things that nobody else sees)
Hey girl (hey girl, hey girl, hey girl, hey girl)
Hey girl, open your walls, play with your dolls
We'll be a perfect family
Places, places, get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
I see things that nobody else sees
I see things that nobody else sees)

Salah satu lagu di album Cry Baby. Ini lagu pertama yang bikin Flo suka sama Melanie! Ini lagu penuh arti bangettt. Ceritanya tentang sebuah keluarga yang dikira semua orang adalah keluarga perfect. Tapi kenyataannya tuh engga. Keluarganya tuh complicated banget. Ayahnya selingkuh, mamanya stress dan sering mabok mabokan, kakaknya ngerokok cannabis. Nah tinggal sisa Melanie nya aja nih ngeliatin keluarganya yang begini. Miris ya :((((

Video musicnya juga bagus kok. Mereka kaya semacam keluarga barbie gitu ya judulnya aja Doll House. Uhh unyu banget deh pokoknya.

Oh ya Cannabis tuh semacam ganja gitu, Flo juga ga gitu ngerti sih. Kalo mau tau lebih lanjut searching aja ya hehe.

Yang mau nonton videonya:

2. Pity Party 
Gambar terkait

Did my invitations disappear
Why'd I put my heart on every cursive letter?
Tell me why the hell no one is here
Tell me what to do to make it all feel better
Maybe it's a cruel joke on me
Whatever, whatever
Just means there's way more cake for me
Forever, forever
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry)
I'll cry until the candles burn down this place
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry)

I'll cry until the candles burn down this place
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames
Maybe if I knew all of them well
I wouldn't have been trapped inside this hell that holds me

Maybe if I casted out a spell
But told them decorations were in pastel ribbons
Maybe it's a cruel joke on me
Whatever, whatever
Just means there's way more cake for me
Forever, forever
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry)
I'll cry until the candles burn down this place
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry)
I'll cry until the candles burn down this place
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames
I'm laughing, I'm crying
It feels like I'm dying
I'm laughing, I'm crying
It feels like I'm dying
I'm laughing, I'm crying
It feels like I'm dying
I'm dying, I'm dying

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to (want to, want to)
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry)

I'll cry until the candles burn down this place
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry)

I'll cry until the candles burn down this place
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames
It's my party, it's, it's my party
It's my party, it's, it's my party
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to (cry, cry, cry)
Sebuah remake dari lagu jadul Lesley Gore-its my party. 
Lagu ini bercerita tentang si Melanie (Cry Baby) yang ngundang temen temennya buat dateng ke pestanya. Nah pas hari ulang tahunnya malah gaada yang dateng sama sekali. Cry Baby ngerasa sedih dan marah apalagi pas dia nelfon temennya dan gaada yang angkat. Fix parah banget kan! udah di undang ke pesta ulang tahunnya eh malah ga dateng:( kan lumayan atuh makanannya. Kalo Flo sih ya pasti dateng dongg. 

Pas udah nunggu lama akhirnya si Cry baby kesel dan mulai bertingkah aneh. Ngerobek bonekanya, ngebakar rumah. Yaampun kasian Cry baby. Mamanya mana coba?! ih kok Flo yang kesel ya.
Aku lupa sih lagu jadulnya gimana, tapi kalo lagu versi melanie tentu aja bagus. Aku suka bangettt style Melanie, apalagi kalo di Music Videonya. Gayanya dapet, ekspresi mukanya juga. uhhh<3

3. Sippy Cup

Blood still stains when the sheets are washed
Sex don't sleep when the lights are off
Kids are still depressed when you dress them up
And syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup

He's still dead when you're done with the bottle
Of course it's a corpse that you keep in the cradle
Kids are still depressed when you dress them up
Syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup
Blood money, blood money
How did you afford this ring that I love, honey?
Just another shift at the drug company,
He doesn't think I'm that fucking dumb does he?
It doesn't matter what you pull up to your home
We know what goes on inside
You call that ass your own, we call that silicone
Silly girl with silly boys
Blood still stains when the sheets are washed
Sex don't sleep when the lights are off
Kids are still depressed when you dress them up
And syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup
He's still dead when you're done with the bottle
Of course it's a corpse that you keep in the cradle
Kids are still depressed when you dress them up
Syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup
Sippy cup, s-s-sippy cup, in a sippy cup, sut sippy cup
In a sippy cup, in a sippy cup, in a sippy cup, in a sippy cup
Pill diet, pill diet, if they give you a new pill then you will buy it
If they say to kill yourself, then you will try it
All the makeup in the world, won't make you less insecure
You got weights in your pockets, when you go to the doctor's
Your favorite candy's cotton, that's why all your teeth are rotten
Silly girl with silly boys
Blood still stains when the sheets are washed
Sex don't sleep when the lights are off
Kids are still depressed when you dress them up
And syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup

He's still dead when you're done with the bottle
Of course it's a corpse that you keep in the cradle
Kids are still depressed when you dress them up
Syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup
Sippy cup, s-s-sippy cup, in a sippy cup, sut sippy cup
In a sippy cup, in a sippy cup, in a sippy cup, in a sippy cup
Blood still stains when the sheets are washed
Sex don't sleep when the lights are off
Kids are still depressed when you dress them up
And syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup
Masih di album yang sama. Lagu ini bercerita tentang sesuatu yang berusaha dirubah oleh seseorang tapi ternyata ga bisa dan tetap ga berubah. Hal ini tergambar jelas di lirik
Blood still stains when the sheets are washed
Sex don't sleep when the lights are off
Kids are still depressed when you dress them up
And syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup

Dalam music videonya juga lirik liriknya persis sama jalan ceritanya. Dan music video ini lanjutan dari music video sebelumnya. Keren banget kan<3
Mamanya Cry Baby yang tau kalo bapaknya selingkuh, akhirnya ngebunuh suaminya dan selingkuhannya. Cry Baby tau tentang perbuatan mamanya, tapi mamanya ngasih suatu sirup (semacam drugs gitu) yang ngebuat Cry Baby ga inget.
Sedih ya. Yaampun om ken kenapa sih harus selingkuh? kan kasian keluargamu:( padahal istrinya cantik. Masih aja di selingkuhin. Dasar manusia! eh barbie!!


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